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peak game

even though my pc is not even powerful enough to run this (it'll run just at like 13fps)

the game is peak, the concept is peak, and you are infact


pretty promising !! gunplay feels a bit clumsy due to the pixelation and the enemies themselves seeming kinda spongy, also kinda feels abrupt to have the demo end on a time limit(?), for me it ended while i was in the middle of a fight


time limit? wait what?


oh wait you might've just gone into the exit area early, ill change it so that in the next patch all the enemies have to be defeated before you are able to go through the exit area

i dont think i did? I was still in the forest area while fighting


oo, ill check it out then, apologizes 

wasnt intended to be a time gated demo lmao

I JUST SAW THIS AHH  it's fine dw !!! the game seems pretty cool other than what i mentioned

actually loving this too much
it was peak during the build you sent me and it still issss
time to play this for multiple hours

the demo is 10 minutes long how will you play it for multiple hours loll

really glad you like it though, genuinely

yeah i uhh
i managed to play the build you originally sent for like 5 hours
and i had godmode
imagine actually playing with an actual risk of dying????
yeah that's gonna add like 5 more hours to my playtime MINIMUM

dude this game is peak
and it was since the beta testing
im telling you my duderino

this game is gonna sell blue skiessillions

i wish


thank you!